Terasiranje vrta

Our next big project: Country residence standing on hilly land with abrupt changes in elevation. The huge territory in region now encompasses art-objects of small architectural forms plus a number of retaining walls.

Aims and objectives:

  • To lower the road level in order to make the entrance to the territory more convenient
  • To face the retaining walls with imitation of stone masonry
  • To create art-objects (waterfalls, stairs and grotto) in organic-inspired style

VII MIRACULA team has:

  • Carried out the bench terracing on the territory of the private residence
  • Build several hundred square metres of retaining walls
  • Constructed a number of large-scale fair-faced concrete art objects seamlessly blending with the landscape

Retaining walls made from architectural concrete

In order to lower the road from the level of second floor to the level of first floor, we had to excavate large amounts of ground. Part of the road, adjacent to the hill, runs along retaining wall. We have skillfully decorated the landscape by forming a combination of large cobblestones and rocks.

When it takes to organic architecture, it’s worth paying attention to the fact, that houses and other artworks seem to become the continuation of natural environment, the border line between man-made and nature-born is practically invisible. The effect played its role in this projects too. When the construction of retaining walls were finished, one could look on them and think that all rocks and stone stabs were always there. Yet, there happened some curious incidents: several people took the artificial walls for genuine ones.

Depending on changes in terrain elevation, the height of retaining walls along the road varies from 1.5 m to 5 meters. Bridge abutment was faced with architectural concrete and shaped into rock, which creates a feeling of integral mountain terrain. The bridge becomes the logical part of surrounding landscape.

Artificial waterfalls and grotto

Right in front of the entrance to the territory we constructed a composition containing grotto, waterfall and a staircase. Visually they form an intrinsic part of a retaining wall, making the whole composition look logically finished. For that moment, the grotto in this country residence was the biggest grotto made in VII MIRACULA company.

The approximate height of the grotto is 7 m, width is 15 m. Right behind it there is a beautiful waterfall with 4 to 5 m in height. A steady and powerful water flow is ensured by four water pipes, whose work was fixed by efforts of VII MIRACULA experts. The stairs and waterfall are now equipped with lighting. Everything looks gorgeous now.

As you walk up the stairs, you find yourself in a breathtaking place: the upper terrace that leads you to the beautiful park. Strolling around the territory, you may enjoy splendid views offered by nature. There is a forest and a lot of small ponds with drops of artificial stones in them (they amplify the function of steps).

There is another waterfall near the owner’s house. The squatty shape and flat rocks repeat form of the house built in high-tech style.

Concrete staircase

There was another large-scale artwork, that was presumed by design project — stairs, leading down the hall. That’s where we got a real challenge! The construction works were performed in late autumn. Our team has installed winter shelters in order to protect the construction from frost. Alas! Right after we applied paint on the stairs, there came the first frosts. However, it appeared to be blessing in disguise, because the final color became even more beautiful that we could thought — blurry — mesh moire pattern.

After several months of hard work we presented a whole new place to the owner of the residence ! A vibrant location with picturesque rock cliffs, waterfalls and a total feeling of harmony and unity with nature. All art objects created by VII MIRACULA experts, have completely blended with environment, rocks look natural as if they have existed there long before.

Creating retaining walls, grotto and waterfalls

Apart from decorating the territory of the private residence, VII MIRACULA team has carried out a comprehensive preliminary work on preparing the design concept of the future art objects: grotto and waterfalls.

Ustvarjanje podpornih sten, votlin in slapov

Poleg okrasitve območja privatne rezidence je ekipa VII MIRACULA izvedla tudi druga pripravljalna dela pri pripravi dizajna koncepta bodočih umetniških objektov: votlin in slapov.

Po podrobnemu izrisu skic in osnutkov so sledili pogovori z naročnikom kjer smo razjasnili podrobnosti in uslišali njegove želje in zahteve, ki so bile kasneje prenesene na papir in dopolnjene k skicam.

Shematično lahko delovni proces razdelimo na 4 faze.

  1. Zahtevna izkopavanja
  2. Priprave na postavitev sten, pri katerih izhajamo iz podrobnih skic
  3. Postavitev podpornih sten
  4. Dekorativna dela

Postopek gradnje je dolgotrajen in zahteva veliko truda, vendar smo meter za metrom stene spremenili v skalnato površino.

Naša tehnologija gradnje zahteva uporabo arhitekturnega betona, kar na kratko pomeni:

  1. Kovinska konstrukcija je obložena z armirno mrežico. Ta faza določa obliko bodoče skale
  2. Nanesen je prvi sloj arhitekturnega betona
  3. Ko se prvi sloj posuši, nanesemo še drugi, dekorativni sloj. To je faza v kateri kiparji izrežejo določene oblike bodočega objekta
  4. Zadnja faza pa je barvanje objekta

Ekipi studia VII MIRACULA je uspelo preoblikovati privatno rezidenco v izjemno čudovito sprostitveno območje s številnimi umetniškimi objekti, katerih kvaliteta je bila vidna že pred zaključkom vseh del.