Architectural concrete finish

Artificial stone finish made from architectural concrete

During finishing works architectural concrete saves space, as the thickness of the applied layer and its weight is considerably lower than those of natural stone. Concrete objects don’t require the usage of specialized tools and don’t entail the longish process of matching elements. Nevertheless they are as solid as rock and visually they look as similar as possible to natural stones. All the above mentioned characteristics allow using architectural concrete for:

  • wall, floor and ceiling decoration;
  • caves and grottoes construction;
  • swimming pool decoration;
  • making stairs and apertures of doors and windows;
  • fireplace, fountain and other buildings decoration;
  • finishing halls, lobbies, offices, wine cellars, salt rooms and study rooms.

Archway with “wild stone” finish resembles entrance to the cave. Wild stones are made from architectural concrete.

Large stones can also be used in finishing:

  • Arches;
  • Apertures of doors;
  • Stair flights.

The floor can be covered with smooth, fine pebble, making an allusion to other architectural elements of the interior design.

Interior stone design can be created by the most minor architectural elements like bar counters with marble facing, shelves and podiums, that acquire fancy lines after stone finishing.

Whether it is a wall in a study room or a bar counter, any area of the house can be transformed into luxurious and fashionable location by means of architectural concrete finish.

The benefits or architectural concrete

The overwhelming majority of natural stones loose or change color due to high humidity and other detrimental effects. Plus, some of the rocks break to smithereens while being cut and some are not compatible with other rocks. Architectural concrete comes a more handy alternative to natural stone, as it enables to fully recreate texture, shape and color of any rock (e.g. marble, sandstone, slate, granite, travertine and other).

Architectural concrete is resilient to humidity, external pressure and rapid temperature falls. It doesn’t require any additional maintenance and doesn’t change with time. What is more, architectural concrete allows changing the shade of the finishing surface within relatively short period of time. There is yet another advantage demonstrated by architectural concrete finish: great potential for built-in light usage.

Art-objects made on the basis of architectural concrete are not subject to replication. Mass production is not applicable in the case of interior design objects. Every piece of art is designed individually.

Architectural concrete can be used to finish any area, including those with high humidity. Architectural concrete is resilient to water

The know-how of art-concrete finish

Creation of VII MIRACULA concrete stone starts with framework. If the volume gain is not planned, the framework is installed right on the wall or the floor. Then the framework is coated with a layer of portland-cement mortar of high quality. Thus, there appears a form, that can be later led to perfection by means of architectural concrete. The material is applied in thin layers by palette knifes and brushes. A complete impression of natural stone is created not only by the chops, deepenings and «cracks» on the surface. Paints used in the process accurately render the mineral composition of natural stone.

The capacity to change shape and size of the art-object is determined by the fact that surface of the framework can be cut open any time, adding new elements and covering them with architectural concrete afterwards.

Architectural concrete finish is resilient to external pressure and water. Paints don’t fade, peel off and wash off. Plus, they are chemically neutral. We provide preferential service for concrete art-objects with 10-year period, however as a rule they do not require any repairs.

If you have a desire to drastically change the interior design, we may do so by easily replacing all concrete art-objects, as it’s no harder than removing a wall, clearly if it’s not a supporting wall.

Stages of creating stove finish: applying concrete mortar on the rough surface, cutting the layer of architectural concrete, priming and coloring

What art-objects can VII MIRACULA architectural studio realize?

Projects on interior design transformation can be roughly divided into three types:

  • creating separate decorative elements like murals, bas-reliefs, sculptures, stucco imitations and stone carvings (friezes, medallions and rosettes);
  • creating art-compositions such as stairs, portico with columns and separate wall decoration;
  • finishing the entire living area, including walls, floor, ceiling that are fully covered with architectural concrete.

For finishing works VII MIRACULA architectural studio uses its own material — VII MIRACULA architectural concrete. Our experts has been developing its formula for many years. The material is 100% safe. It allows incarnating any project.

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