Competitive advantages of concrete finish over natural stone and other materials
As opposed to factory-made tile, art-stone is always unique. Thus, every swimming pool with artificial stone finish turns into a real piece of art.
Natural stone, if used as a finishing material, makes every construction monumental, though at the same time it gives a lot of trouble inevitably entwined with transportation and installation of stones. Due to high complexity of material processing and considerable weight it is very time-consuming to match separate stones with the basin (or other part) of the pool. Also not every wall is capable to bear additional weight of stone. Architectural concrete comes as a more handy alternative to natural stones. Art-concrete finish is 3-4 times lighter than natural stone finish. It doesn’t exert excessive pressure on walls and pool’s construction. Due to its rough surface, concrete ensures safety when walking on it.
In the finishing of this pool we were able to recreate the ancient polygonal masonry from architectural concrete, as well as accurately convey the texture of metal on the bas-reliefs.
Even the most high-quality cement doesn’t give any chance to shape thin, but at the same time durable decorative elements like fold of fabric or leaves of the plant. These elements can only be made out of clay, marble and metal. Depending on the design concept sculptor determines shape, texture and color shades characteristic for a particular rock. At the same time, we reproduce all nuances of texture: cracks, bulges, minor chips. Some areas of stone surface can have smooth, uneven or sawn edges.
Art-concrete finish leaves space for corrections and modifications of the final object during the operation. It’s easy to fasten ladders, platforms for jumping, mini “bridges” and hand-rails to bearing surface by means of architectural concrete. One can make a hole in the concrete surface anywhere, at any time. This feature makes it possible to install any preferred lightings, even the most extravagant ones. We can always amplify the composition with waterfall, fountain or water slide and vice versa we can easily remove any decorative element.